Ecophon Acoustic Calculator


{{ }} {{ }}
{{ calculation.applicationArea.header }}; {{ calculation.roomType.header }}
{{ | date:'yyyy-MM-dd' }}

Comparing calculations

Calculation A , {{ }}
{{ comparison.a.applicationArea.header }}, {{ comparison.a.roomType.header }}
Calculation B , {{ }}
{{ comparison.b.applicationArea.header }}, {{ comparison.b.roomType.header }}
Reverberation time T20 (s) = Speech clarity C50 (dB) Strength G (dB)
Diffuse (Sabine) {{ comparison.result.a.T20.diffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }} {{ comparison.result.b.T20.diffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }} {{ comparison.result.a.C50.diffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }} {{ comparison.result.b.C50.diffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }} {{ comparison.result.a.G.diffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }} {{ comparison.result.b.G.diffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }}
Non-diffuse {{ comparison.result.a.T20.nonDiffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }} {{ comparison.result.b.T20.nonDiffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }} {{ comparison.result.a.C50.nonDiffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }} {{ comparison.result.b.C50.nonDiffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }} {{ comparison.result.a.G.nonDiffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }} {{ comparison.result.b.G.nonDiffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }}
Ecophon recommendation ≤ {{ comparison.result.a.T20.recommendedValue | toFixed:2 }} ≤ {{ comparison.result.b.T20.recommendedValue | toFixed:2 }} ≥ {{ comparison.result.a.C50.recommendedValue | toFixed:2 }} ≥ {{ comparison.result.b.C50.recommendedValue | toFixed:2 }} ≤ {{ comparison.result.a.G.recommendedValue | toFixed:2 }} ≤ {{ comparison.result.b.G.recommendedValue | toFixed:2 }}

Reverberation time T20 (s)

Calculation A , {{ }}
{{ comparison.a.applicationArea.header }}, {{ comparison.a.roomType.header }}
Diffuse (Sabine)
Calculation B , {{ }}
{{ comparison.b.applicationArea.header }}, {{ comparison.b.roomType.header }}
Diffuse (Sabine)

Speech clarity C50 (dB)

Calculation A , {{ }}
{{ comparison.a.applicationArea.header }}, {{ comparison.a.roomType.header }}
Diffuse (Sabine)
Calculation B , {{ }}
{{ comparison.b.applicationArea.header }}, {{ comparison.b.roomType.header }}
Diffuse (Sabine)

Strength G (dB)

Calculation A , {{ }}
{{ comparison.a.applicationArea.header }}, {{ comparison.a.roomType.header }}
Diffuse (Sabine)
Calculation B , {{ }}
{{ comparison.b.applicationArea.header }}, {{ comparison.b.roomType.header }}
Diffuse (Sabine)

Your input data

Room type {{ comparison.inputDataTab.applicationArea.header }}; {{ comparison.inputDataTab.roomType.header }}
Furnishing Sparse Normal Dense

Room dimensions

Room geometry Rectangular Sloped Irregular
Length {{ comparison.inputDataTab.dimensions.length | toFixed:2 }} m
Width {{ comparison.inputDataTab.dimensions.width | toFixed:2 }} m
Height {{ calculation.dimensions.height | toFixed:2 }} m
Volume {{ comparison.inputDataTab.dimensions.volume | toFixed:2 }} m³
Total wall area {{ comparison.inputDataTab.dimensions.wallArea | toFixed:2 }} m²
Floor area {{ comparison.inputDataTab.dimensions.floorArea | toFixed:2 }} m²
Soffit area {{ comparison.inputDataTab.dimensions.ceilingArea | toFixed:2 }} m²
Height up to suspended ceiling {{ comparison.inputDataTab.ceiling.distanceFromFloorToCeiling | toFixed:2 }} m

Absorption input data

Suspended : {{ comparison.inputDataTab.ceiling.product.header }} ({{ comparison.inputDataTab.ceiling.quantity }} unit ) ({{ comparison.inputDataTab.ceiling.quantity }} units )

Wall {{ wall.index + 1 }} ({{ wall.area | toFixed:2 }} m²)

Floor : {{ comparison.inputDataTab.floor.surface.header }}

Soffit : {{ comparison.inputDataTab.ceiling.surface.header }}

The calculator estimates the room acoustical parameters reverberation time T20, Speech Clarity C50, and Sound Strength G. The parameters are defined in ISO 3382 part 1 and 2.

The calculations are performed under both diffuse and non-diffuse sound field conditions.The reverberation time according to Sabine’s formula, which assumes a diffuse sound field, is calculated for all cases. The Sabine calculation follows the procedure outlined in EN 12354-6.

The non-diffuse conditions typically appear in rooms were a suspended absorbent ceiling dominates the sound absorption in the room. The non-diffuse condition is checked by the calculator and if the requirements are fulfilled the room acoustic parameters T20, C50 and G are calculated.

Ecophon recommendations of appropriate parameter values are given for all room types. The recommendations are based on our experience up until today.

Please make sure you understand and agree with our terms and conditions before using our calculator

Room dimensions

Select room geometry
Please select a value

Room dimensions (in meters )

Room dimensions (in meters )

Room dimensions (in meters )

Add another wall

Volume {{ calculation.dimensions.volume | toFixed:2 }} m³
Wall area {{ calculation.dimensions.wallArea | toFixed:2 }} m²
Soffit area {{ calculation.dimensions.ceilingArea | toFixed:2 }} m²
Floor area {{ calculation.dimensions.floorArea | toFixed:2 }} m²

Room surfaces

Wall {{ $index + 1 }} Edit
Soffit Edit
Floor Edit

Wall {{ calculation.editing.index + 1 }} {{ calculation.editing.area | toFixed:2 }} m²



Warning: Doors and windows combined are larger than wall area

Go to next wall Go to soffit

Adding absorption

1. Ceiling

Adding absorption

2. Wall panels

Wall {{ $index + 1 }} {{ wall.area | toFixed:2 }} m²


Please select a value

Results and Ecophon recommendation

Uw berekening: {{ }}

Reverberation time T20 (s)

Sabine calculation

{{ calculation.recommendation.T20.diffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }}

RAC calculation

{{ calculation.recommendation.T20.nonDiffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }}

Ecophon recommendation

≤ {{ calculation.recommendation.T20.recommendedValue }}

Speech clarity C50 (dB)

Sabine calculation

{{ calculation.recommendation.C50.diffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }}

RAC calculation

{{ calculation.recommendation.C50.nonDiffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }}

Ecophon recommendation

≥ {{ calculation.recommendation.C50.recommendedValue }}

Strength G (dB)

Sabine calculation

{{ calculation.recommendation.G.diffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }}

RAC calculation

{{ calculation.recommendation.G.nonDiffuseCalculation | toFixed:2 }}

Ecophon recommendation

≤ {{ calculation.recommendation.G.recommendedValue }}

Note: Average bonds over octave bands 125 to 4000Hz.

Ecophon recommendations are based on our experience up until today and might be subject to change in the future.

Room Acoustic Comfort (RAC) calculations for rooms with absorbing ceilings. This calculation will give a better correspondence to measurements than Sabine formula.

Inschakelen om berekeningen voor lege ruimte op te nemen

NB. ‘Empty room’ is based on the same room properties and furnishing, but without any ceiling- or wall panel absorbers. The volume of the room is calculated to soffit.

Reverberation time T20 (s)

Sabine calculation
RAC calculation
Berekening lege ruimte

Speech clarity C50 (dB)

Sabine calculation
RAC calculation
Berekening lege ruimte

Strength G (dB)

Sabine calculation
RAC calculation
Berekening lege ruimte

Your input data

Room type {{ calculation.applicationArea.header }}; {{ calculation.roomType.header }}
Furnishing Sparse Normal Dense

Room dimensions

Room geometry Rectangular Sloped Irregular
Length {{ calculation.dimensions.length | toFixed:2 }} m
Width {{ calculation.dimensions.width | toFixed:2 }} m
Height {{ calculation.dimensions.height | toFixed:2 }} m
Volume {{ calculation.dimensions.volume | toFixed:2 }} m³
Total wall area {{ calculation.dimensions.wallArea | toFixed:2 }} m²
Floor area {{ calculation.dimensions.floorArea | toFixed:2 }} m²
Soffit area {{ calculation.dimensions.ceilingArea | toFixed:2 }} m²
Height up to suspended ceiling {{ calculation.ceiling.distanceFromFloorToCeiling | toFixed:2 }} m

Absorption input data

Suspended : {{ calculation.ceiling.product.header }} ({{ calculation.ceiling.quantity }} unit ) ({{ calculation.ceiling.quantity }} units )

Wall {{ wall.index + 1 }} ({{ wall.area | toFixed:2 }} m²)

Floor : {{ calculation.floor.surface.header }}

Soffit : {{ calculation.ceiling.surface.header }}